Select the unique identifier for the project that is associated with the selected invoice line. When you change the project, ...

Select the unique identifier for the project that is associated with the selected invoice line. When you change the project, if project relations are specified in the Ledger posting setup page, the Main account field is updated with the account that is associated with the new project. If you have not yet viewed the accounting distribution for the line by opening the Accounting distributions page, changing the project also changes the ledger account in the Accounting distributions page. To prevent the account from being changed when you change the project, clear the Allow the ledger account number to be edited option in the Accounts receivable parameters page. This field is available only if the Display project-related fields on free text invoices option is selected in the Accounts receivable parameters page. If the Public Sector configuration key is selected, and the project ID is associated with the selected billing code, you can prevent this field from being modified. In the Billing codes page, select the billing code, and then clear the Allow changes option next to the project ID.
English (United States)