To build a project, the project file must include a list of source models. This model does not include any source models. Please add a source model and try again.
This type is used by %1!d! object(s). Are you sure you want to remove it? If you answer 'Yes', all objects that reference ...
This type was extracted from a database. To rename the type, You must first drop the type and create a new one, which then ...
This UML shape exists on a drawing page which is not part of a UML model diagram. This shape is designed to work in drawings ...
To apply this setting to shapes, select the shapes, then click Shadow on the Format menu and select Page Default as the style. ...
To build a project, the project file must include a list of source models. This model does not include any source models. ...
To open and modify the linked Excel data source, choose Help, Sample Diagrams. To link to your modified data, choose Data, ...
To route the drawing, choose File > Send To > Routing Recipient. If you choose not to route the drawing now, Visio will prompt ...
To specify parameters for the index that ORACLE uses to enforce a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint, press the "Index Used." ...
To unlock or lock CAD drawing size and position Right-click CAD drawing, point to CAD Drawing Object and click Properties. ...