The attempt to create external identity %1 for worker %2 failed. A error has occurred and we are unable to create a new external ...

The attempt to create external identity %1 for worker %2 failed.
A error has occurred and we are unable to create a new external identity. This may be due to one or more of the following reasons. Please contact your system administrator.                                                                                                                                                                           
- A connectivity error has occurred and your HQ can't connect to the external identity provider end point (AAD endpoint). 
- The Password used for creating the external identity is not a strong password (try a password that includes upper/lower case, numbers, and special characters). 
- There could be an existing external identity account with the same external name/alias. Please try again with a different alias. 
- The user may not have permissions to create an external identity for this tenant (try using a tenant administrator account).