This item will be retried as a part of the next crawl. If this belongs to a SharePoint repository, all items below this will also be retried in the next crawl.
This item was copied from another location and may be receiving updates from there. You should make sure that the source ...
This item was marked as Offline and was not crawled. If you would like this crawled, remove offline attribute from the file. ...
This item was marked as Offline and was not crawled. If you would like this crawled, remove offline attribute from the file. ...
This item will be retried as a part of the next crawl. If this belongs to a SharePoint repository, all items below this will ...
This item will be retried as a part of the next crawl. If this belongs to a SharePoint repository, all items below this will ...
This job imports Help collections from CAB files into the farm-wide product Help library. This library is stored in the Central ...
This job performs background processing for information policies, such as calculating updated expiration dates for items ...
This job performs bulk actions on a set of search results, such as adding all items in an eDiscovery query to a specified ...
This label's structure will be built based on the source hierarchy during Hierarchy Creation. Select the portion of the source ...