Design Checker found potential problems that may affect the quality of your printed publication. Do you want to fix these problems now or publish now without fixing? Number of issues found: |SaveFix...
Describe your BBQ. Be sure to mention if attendees should bring anything. You may also want to include a description of planned ...
Describe your company picnic, and let employees know if family or friends are included. Be sure to mention if attendees should ...
Describe your party here. Your description can include the planned activities or the food and beverages that will be provided. ...
Describe your puppies' or kittens' personalities or appearance. You may want to tell your readers if they are housebroken, ...
Design Checker found potential problems that may affect the quality of your printed publication. Do you want to fix these ...
Did your publication print as expected? When your publication has finished printing, click Yes if your printout looks the ...
Discard updates of linked objects? You are opening the last saved version of your publication. To discard the updated links ...
Do you want Publisher to automatically create text boxes? To have Publisher automatically create text boxes and pages for ...
Do you want Publisher to automatically delete pages? This layout prints %s pages on each sheet of printer paper. Your publication ...