Unregister an executable name from coverage collection. Usage: unregister [options]Options: /force [optional] Forces the unregistration even if an executable is registered to a different session or debugger. /session: [required] The name of the session to unregister for%0
Unrecognized attribute target. Valid attribute targets are 'assembly', 'module', 'type', 'method', 'property', 'return', ...
Unrecognized BAML record of type '{0}'. BAML stream might be corrupted or there is a version mismatch between BAML stream ...
Unrecognized part detected when attempting to generate scope. Caching scopes with parts not specified in full catalog is ...
Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, ...
Unregister an executable name from coverage collection. Usage: unregister options Options: /force optional Forces the unregistration ...
UnregisterExtenderProvider() cannot be used to unregister an Extender Provider that was not registered through RegisterExtenderProvider(). ...
Unsaved documents cannot be cut or copied to the clipboard from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved ...
Unsaved documents cannot be dragged from the Miscellaneous Files project. You must save the unsaved document(s) before dragging ...
Unsealed types secured by a LinkDemand should also specify an InheritanceDemand. Without an InheritanceDemand, the link demand ...