The file '%s' is from a previous version of Visio.Choose how you wish to save the file.Note: Saving in the Visio 2002 format may result in the loss of attributes unique to the current format.
The drawing will be saved as part of the conversion process. Any changes you made cannot be undone. Do you want to continue? ...
The End Event indicates where a process will end. Drag the shape onto the drawing page, and right-click on it to change its ...
The example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places, and events depicted ...
The fields you specified for display may not fit into the current organization chart shapes.Do you want the shape height ...
The file '%s' is from a previous version of Visio.Choose how you wish to save the file.Note: Saving in the Visio 2002 format ...
The file '%s' is from a previous version of Visio.Choose how you wish to send the file.Note: Sending in the Visio 2002 format ...
The file '%s' was last saved in the most current Visio format.Choose how you wish to save the file.Note: Saving in the Visio ...
The file '%s' was last saved in the most current Visio format.Choose how you wish to send the file.Note: Sending in the Visio ...
The file specified is already open for editing. Visio has opened a read-only copy named %s for the purposes of comparison. ...