Ensure that the provided name is a cluster name or the computer name of a node in the cluster, and that the cluster is listed in Active Directory Domain Services. For a newly created cluster, you might need to wait for the cluster name to be added to Active Directory Domain Services.
Ensure that the path or part of the path that you provided is not used as a writable library share path on a private cloud, ...
Ensure that the pending service template is same or cloned from the service template for the service, and then try again. ...
Ensure that the private cloud in which the virtual machine is placed has an associated ReadWriteLibrarySharePath, and then ...
Ensure that the provided name is a cluster name or the computer name of a node in the cluster exactly as added in VMware ...
Ensure that the provided name is a cluster name or the computer name of a node in the cluster, and that the cluster is listed ...
Ensure that the ReportingServiceRunAsProfile, SQLServiceRunAsProfile, SARunAsProfile, AgentServiceRunAsProfile parameters ...
Ensure that the resource group only contains a single virtual machine resource, a single virtual machine configuration resource, ...
Ensure that the Run As profile for SA account is specified for SQL Server Authentication mode, and try the operation again. ...
Ensure that the RunAs account credentials or the VMM service account used to connect to Operations Manager server have necessary ...