One or more mobile policies have not been deployed through Exchange ActiveSync. This is most likely due to an error connecting to your Exchange server. To check for errors connecting to Exchange, go to the Administration workspace and click on Exchange Connector.
One or more device access rules or related settings have been modified in Exchange. Microsoft Intune has been updated to ...
One or more device access rules or related settings have not yet been applied to Exchange. This is most likely due to an ...
One or more instances of ConfigurationProperty were not found. The exception data contains the list of properties that were ...
One or more Microsoft Intune policy conflicts were detected in the account. Some settings on the device may not be in compliance ...
One or more mobile policies have not been deployed through Exchange ActiveSync. This is most likely due to an error connecting ...
One or more of the devices you are trying to delete have already been deleted. Click "OK" to reload the page and then try ...
One or more of the devices you are trying to retire have already been deleted. Click "OK" to reload the page and then try ...
One or more of the group members you included are also in the excluded list. When this conflict occurs, those members will ...
One or more of your client computers are running a home or personal edition of the Windows operating system that is not supported ...