Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:VersionIdentifier -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup} ...

Usage: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY      -version:VersionIdentifier      -backupTarget:{VolumeHostingBackup | NetworkShareHostingBackup}     [-machine:BackupMachineName]     [-restoreAllVolumes]     [-recreateDisks]     [-excludeDisks]     [-auth]     [-quiet]  Runs a system recovery based on the options specified.  -version            Version identifier of backup to recover from listed by                      WBADMIN GET VERSIONS in MM/DD/YYYY-HH:MM format.  -backupTarget       Drive letter or shared network folder path where the backup                      resides.  -machine            Computer whose backup is being recovered. Useful when                      multiple computers were backed up to the same target.                      Should be used when -backupTarget is specified.  -restoreAllVolumes  Restores all volumes from the selected backup. If not                      specified, only critical volumes are restored from the                      selected backup. Useful when you need to restore                      non-critical volumes during system recovery.  -recreateDisks      Restores a disk configuration to same state that existed                      when the backup was created.                      WARNING: This option permanently erases all data on volumes                      that host operating system components. It might also erase                      data from data volumes.  -excludeDisks       Valid only when specified with -recreateDisks option. Must                      be input as a comma delimited list of disk identifiers as                      shown in command output of command WBADMIN GET DISKS.                      Excluded disks will not be partitioned or formatted.                      This option helps to preserve data on disks which you do not                      want to be modified by the recovery.  -auth               Marks the restore as authoritative.  -quiet              Runs the command with no user prompts.  Example: WBADMIN START SYSRECOVERY -version:03/31/2005-09:00 -backupTarget:d: