You are about to remove the project reference '%1'. Do you also want to delete this project's output files from the Web project?
XPATH expressions or {1} feature cannot be used with invalid XML messages. At least one configuration property of the outgoing ...
XPath indicating the position of the document body inside the instance document. This property is valid only if the schema ...
You are about to delete host instances including the last remaining host instance. If you choose to continue, any artifacts ...
You are about to delete the last remaining host instance. If you choose to continue, any artifacts hosted by this host, such ...
You are about to remove the project reference '%1'. Do you also want to delete this project's output files from the Web project? ...
You are attempting to create a cluster resource for this BizTalk Host, however there is only one Host Instance currently ...
You are attempting to install Business Activity Services on a virtual server that has not been configured with Windows SharePoint ...
You are attempting to install Windows SharePoint Services Adapter Web Service on a virtual server that has not been configured ...
You are opening a BizTalk Server 2004 Business Activity Monitoring workbook while having the BizTalk Server 2006 Business ...