Description: Sets the properties of an existing driver group on a WDS Server. Syntax: WDSUTIL Options /Set-DriverGroup /DriverGroup: ...

Description: Sets the properties of an existing driver group on a WDS

WDSUTIL [Options]
        [/Enabled:{Yes | No}]
        [/Applicability:{Matched | All}]

        The name of the driver group.

        The name of the WDS server. This can be either the NetBIOS
        name or the FQDN.  If not specified, the local server will be

        The new name for the driver group.

[/Enabled:{Yes | No}]
        Enables or disables the driver group.

[/Applicability:{Matched | All}]
        Specifies which packages to install if the filter criteria is
        met. Matched means install only the driver packages that match
        a client's hardware. All means install all packages to
        clients regardless of their hardware.

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroup /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers /Enabled:Yes

WDSUTIL /Set-DriverGroup /DriverGroup:PrinterDrivers /Name:ColorPrinterDrivers