Updates existing TFS Proxy configuration. For initial TFS Proxy configuration use either TFS Administration Console or TfsConfig ...

    Updates existing TFS Proxy configuration. For initial TFS Proxy 
    configuration use either TFS Administration Console or TfsConfig unattend
    To change the list of collections/servers in the Proxy.config file, use 
    the /add or /delete options. To update hosted service account information,
    use the /change option.
    See the option descriptions below for the required and optional syntax.

    TfsConfig   proxy /add < /collection:  
                           | /server: >

    TfsConfig   proxy /delete < /collection:
                              | /server: >

    TfsConfig   proxy /change < /collection:
                              | /server: >

    TfsConfig proxy /add /server:http://www.contoso.com:8080/tfs
        Adds an on-premise TFS server to the TFS Proxy's list.

    TfsConfig proxy /add 
                    /account:"My Hosted Account"
                    Adds a hosted TFS project collection to the TFS Proxy's 
                    list. The hosted service account to be used is 
                    "My Hosted Account". This is an advanced option not 
                    required in most cases.

    TfsConfig proxy /add 
                    Adds a hosted TFS project collection to the TFS Proxy's 
                    list. The default hosted service account will be used.

    TfsConfig proxy /delete /server:http://www.contoso.com:8080/tfs
                    Deletes a TFS server from the TFS Proxy's list.

    TfsConfig proxy /change 
                    /account:"My Proxy Service Account"
                    Changes the hosted hosted service account used by TFS Proxy
                    for the specified hosted TFS project collection.
                    This is an advanced option not required in most cases.

    TfsConfig proxy /change 
                    Updates saved credentials for the hosted service account
                    that TFS Proxy is currently using for the specified hosted
                    TFS project collection.

       /add         Adds the new specified reference to the  
                    list in the Proxy.config file. Add can be run again later
                    to include more collections or servers to the Proxy.config
                    file. For hosted collections and servers you will be
                    prompted for the cloud account verification.
                    The advanced /account option may be included for hosted
                    collections and servers.
                    Do not specify it for on-premise collections or servers.
       /delete      Removes the TFS project collection or the entire TFS 
                    server specified from the  list in 
                    the Proxy.config file.
       /change      Updates the saved credentials for the currently used hosted
                    service account. If the currently saved credential 
                    information is not valid anymore, or does not provide 
                    enough access rights to your cloud account, you will be 
                    prompted for the cloud account verification.
                    If the advanced /account option is specified, the command
                    replaces the currently saved hosted service account
                    information for the hosted TFS project collection or server
                    Warning: Do not use this operation for on-premise 
                             TFS collection nor servers.
       /account     This is an advanced option not required in most cases.
                    The hosted service account if specified, should be in form
                    of an account name. Do not include the corresponding 
                    password even if you know it. Include the account name in
                    quotes if it contains spaces. Special characters must be
                    escaped according to usual command line parameter rules. 
       The default hosted service account name is "Account Service" and 
       is used in all regular cases.
       /continue    Continue execution even if verify has warnings.