Invalid service or driver admininstration action: %1 (specify one of 'START', 'STOP', 'INSTALL', 'UNINSTALL', or 'AUTOSTART')
Invalid Or empty ProgID: %s. ProgIDs must consist of an alpha character (i.e. a-z, A-Z) followed by zero or more of the following ...
Invalid parameter: passing MEM_RELEASE and a non-zero dwSize parameter to '%ls' is not allowed. This causes the call to fail ...
Invalid parameter: passing MEM_RELEASE and MEM_DECOMMIT in conjunction to '%ls' is not allowed. This causes the call to fail ...
Invalid ProcessContent attribute value. ProcessContent must contain a space delimited list of prefix qualified names or a ...
Invalid service or driver admininstration action: %1 (specify one of 'START', 'STOP', 'INSTALL', 'UNINSTALL', or 'AUTOSTART') ...
Invalid type for value '{1}' in 'tag' '{0}={1}'. The value should be either a boolean, an integer, a float or a double quoted ...
Invalid UITest action filter. Custom Filter category is not of type custom. Custom action filter:{0}, group : {1}, category ...
Invalid UITest action filter. Custom Filter is of reserved group name. Custom action filter :{0}, group : {1}, category : ...
Invalid URI format. The configuration editor URI '{0}' provided for the diagnostic data adapter of type '{1}' is not a valid ...