- System Center App Controller 2012
- System Center App Controller 2012 R2
- System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2
App Controller was unable to connect to the specified VMM server. This can occur if the server is offline, or you have insufficient rights to access it.
A virtual machine name can't contain any of the following characters: \ / : ? " # < > | @ $ % ^ ( ) = + _ { } | ; . ' " , ...
App Controller does not delete any SSL certificates for the connection that you want to remove. You must delete certificates ...
App Controller is unable to verify that the specified owner is a member of the administrator user role. If you select the ...
App Controller Setup requires the current user to have Database Owner (dbo) privileges or higher for the specified database. ...
App Controller was unable to connect to the specified VMM server. This can occur if the server is offline, or you have insufficient ...
As an administrator, you can use App Controller to manage connections and to provide role-based access to Windows Azure subscriptions. ...
At least one prerequisite could not be installed. Review the following information, and then click Previous to check prerequisites ...
Built-in connection for accessing Windows Azure. Edit connection properties to specify Internet proxy settings. This connection ...
Cannot set the PowerShell execution policy for the VMM Provider, because it is set via Group Policy. See instructions about ...