Cannot import the application into the {0} database on the {1} server. The database already contains Microsoft Dynamics NAV application objects.
Cannot establish a connection to the SQL Server/Database. This could be caused by one of the following reasons: The SQL server ...
Cannot import data into the {0} company because the company already exists. You must delete or rename the existing company. ...
Cannot import the '%1' style sheet due to the following error: '%2'. You cannot send data that is based on '%1' until the ...
Cannot import the application data because the database is empty and the application is not included in the import. You must ...
Cannot import the application into the {0} database on the {1} server. The database already contains Microsoft Dynamics NAV ...
Cannot import the data because the specified file does not include the table with the ID {0}. Make sure that you are importing ...
Cannot import the data because the table with the ID {0} in the specified file has different fields or key definitions than ...
Cannot save the file because Office 365 personal site is not configured for storing documents. Log on to the following website ...
Cannot validate FlowField. The expression '{0}' must be a single value or an inclusive range of permitted values such as ...