Usage: config property = (ipsecdiagnostics | ipsecexempt | ipsecloginterval | ikelogging | strongcrlcheck | bootmode | bootexemptions) ...

Usage:   config [ property = ] (ipsecdiagnostics | ipsecexempt | ipsecloginterval |                        ikelogging | strongcrlcheck | bootmode | bootexemptions) ]          [ value = ]  |  |  ]    Configures the parameters for IPsec.  Parameters:    Tag             Value   property       -Property name.   value          -Value that corresponds to the property.  Remarks: 1. Valid values for the properties are:              ipsecdiagnostics - 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7              ikelogging       - 0, 1              strongcrlcheck   - 0, 1, 2              ipsecloginterval - 60 to 86400 sec              ipsecexempt      - 0, 1, 2, 3              bootmode         - stateful, block, permit              bootexemptions   - none, "exemption#1 exemption#2 ... exemption#n"                                 where the quoted string specifies a list of                                 protocols and ports to always allow during                                 boot mode in the following format:                                   Protocol:SrcPort:DstPort:Direction                                     where protocol is ICMP, TCP, UDP,                                       RAW, or                                      where direction is inbound or outbound          2. ipsecdiagnostics, ikelogging, ipsecloginterval, bootmode and              bootexemptions options are provided for backward compatibility.             Not valid for Windows Vista and later operating systems.          3. SrcPort and DstPort are only valid for TCP and UDP, with other             protocols the format of the exemption is Protocol:Direction.          4. A port setting of 0 allows for traffic for any port.          5. ikelogging and strongcrlcheck are activated immediately;             all other properties take effect on next boot.  Examples: 1. set config property=ipsecdiagnostics value=0           2. set config property=bootmode value=stateful           3. set config property=bootexemptions value=none           4. set config property=bootexemptions              value="ICMP:inbound TCP:80:80:outbound"