Windows found corrupted Encrypting File System (EFS) data. This message is logged for one of the following two reasons: there ...

Windows found corrupted Encrypting File System (EFS) data.
  This message is logged for one of the following two reasons: there was a  hardware or software failure that corrupted the data, or this is a malicious  attack. If this is a malicious attack, the user %2 on the domain %1  is accessing this data.
  Domain: %1
  User: %2
  User Action:
  If the data corruption is caused by hardware or software failure and you are  denied access to the file, use the Encrypted File System Recovery Agent to try  to recover the data. If the data is not recoverable, then delete the file.
  If this is a malicious attack, change the share permissions so that the user  does not have access to the share.
English (United States)