To create a forecast, select a timeline series of dates or numbers, and a numerical values series of the same size.A forecast can't be created because the data you selected:• Contains timeline and values series that aren't the same size.• Contains too many cells.• Is linked to an external location that is not accessible, or the link is broken.• Doesn't contain any numbers, and the text cannot be aggregated unless COUNT or COUNTA are selected.
To create a bubble chart, you must specify at least two values per data point. In the Edit Data Source dialog box (Design ...
To create a bubble chart, you must specify at least two values per data point. On the Series tab of the Source Data dialog, ...
To create a chart with an additional data series, click Add, and then type the series information or cell references in the ...
To create a chart, click in the Data range box, and then select the worksheet cells that contain the data and labels that ...
To create a forecast, select a timeline series of dates or numbers, and a numerical values series of the same size.A forecast ...
To create a forecast, select the cells that contain the data you'd like to use. If you have names for the columns and you'd ...
To create a set, you must specify a set name and add at least one row to the set. Before you click OK, enter a set name and ...
To create a table from an AutoFiltered range, turn off AutoFilter. Or, when inserting the table, enable the option: My table ...
To create this stock chart, arrange the data on your sheet in this order: high price, low price, closing price. Use dates ...