Performing this action on this virtual machine will reduce the machine count of computer tier[{0}] below its prescribed minimum value. Do you wish to continue?
Parameters cannot be specified for the guest operating system because the selected template was created as a non-customizable ...
Password parameter is used to encrypt private settings and can only be specified together with SettingsIncludePrivate parameter. ...
Pausing a service causes users to lose their connection to the virtual machines that support the service. You have chosen ...
Pausing a virtual machine causes a loss of service to any users of the machine. You have chosen to pause the following virtual ...
Performing this action on this virtual machine will reduce the machine count of computer tier[{0} below its prescribed minimum ...
Physical network adapter on the host (%Name;) has been connected to a different virtual switch. So cannot bind to (%VirtualNetworkName;) ...
Physical-to-virtual conversion failed because a -DriverPath or -Shutdown parameter was specified without specifying an -Offline ...
Placing a service in a saved state causes a loss of service to any users of the service. You have chosen to save the following ...
Placing a virtual machine in a saved state causes a loss of service to any users of the machine. You have chosen to save ...