The BudgetPlanCurrencyConversionTmpTableDocumenation table is used to hold the values for rate multipliers of different combinations of effective date, source currency and target currency. It is primarily used in the allocation scenarios.
The budgeting organization %1 that you selected is not included in the budgeting organization hierarchy for the budget planning ...
The budgeting organization cannot be assigned because the budgeting organization is not a child of the %1 parent budgeting ...
The BudgetPlanAttachmentDirectory table contains the user defined folder locations where budget planning templates are stored. ...
The BudgetPlanColumnRule table stores all the advanced filter values used to filter the budget plan line records to aggregate ...
The BudgetPlanCurrencyConversionTmpTableDocumenation table is used to hold the values for rate multipliers of different combinations ...
The BudgetPlanElementDefinition table holds the row and column fields' definition. This includes the field names and the ...
The BudgetPlanElementDefinitionTranslation table stores all the translated names and descriptions for the BudgetPlanElementDefinition ...
The BudgetPlanLayoutElement table contains the constraints for each column that will be displayed in a particular budget ...
The BudgetPlanLayoutMapping table contains a layout's elements and the target BudgetPlanLineActiveView table field mapping. ...