To create and add a new scope to the DHCP server. Syntax: add scope ScopeComment Preference Parameters: ScopeAddress - The ...

To create and add a new scope to the DHCP server.    Syntax:              add scope   [ScopeComment] [Preference]   Parameters:            ScopeAddress   - The IP network number of the scope to be                           created.           ScopeName      - An identifying name for the scope.            ScopeComment   - A comment associated with the scope.            Preference     - A preference value associated with the scope.   \       Notes:         Parameters in angled brackets are required.    Example:       add scope 3ffe::8 MyScope MyComment 25                   This command adds a new scope for the specified DHCP                 server with scope address 3ffe::8, a preference of 25, a scope name of                 MyScope and a scope comment of MyComment.