(!idspnOneNote) cannot connect to the linked application. Try closing and restarting both applications to fix this problem.
idspnOneNote) cannot back up your notebook, because the file path for some section files is longer than 256 characters. To ...
idspnOneNote) cannot change the notebook location. You must upgrade all sections in the notebook to 2010 format before syncing ...
idspnOneNote) cannot complete this operation because (!idspnOneNote) is running with administrator privileges. Close all ...
idspnOneNote) cannot complete this operation because the full path name to the section file is longer than 245 characters. ...
idspnOneNote) cannot connect to the linked application. Try closing and restarting both applications to fix this problem. ...
idspnOneNote) cannot connect to the server you specified. There may be problems with the server or the network. Try re-entering ...
idspnOneNote) cannot connect to the Web server for an unknown reason. Check your connection and verify that the server is ...
idspnOneNote) cannot contact the Rights Management Server to obtain the rights required to insert this Printout. Check your ...
idspnOneNote) cannot convert the following section because some of its pages are not completely synced: |0 Ensure you are ...