Create Collection Commands/sec is the number of CreateCollections commands that are processed each second. Clients that are running earlier versions of the ActiveSync protocol use this command to create folders.
Could not write value 2 to key 3]. { System error 4].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your ...
Create a temporary recovery folder on the drive where the database files currently exist. This can be a subfolder of the ...
Create a temporary recovery folder on the drive where the database files currently exist. This can be a subfolder of the ...
Create a temporary recovery folder on the drive where the database files currently exist. This can be a subfolder of the ...
Create Collection Commands/sec is the number of CreateCollections commands that are processed each second. Clients that are ...
Create Collection Total is the total number of CreateCollection requests that have been processed since the service was started. ...
Create Out of Office messages here. You can either choose to send auto-replies to senders while you are out of the office ...
Creating an Edge Subscription makes the configuration of this Edge Transport server ready to be managed via EdgeSync. Any ...
Creating mailbox "{0}" on database "{1}", linked master account "{2}", linked domain controller "{3}", UserPrincipalName ...