Checks a disk and displays a status report CHKDSK drive: /P /R drive: Specifies the drive to check /P Check even if the drive ...

Checks a disk and displays a status report    CHKDSK [drive:] [/P] [/R]      [drive:]      Specifies the drive to check    /P            Check even if the drive is not flagged dirty    /R            Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information                  (implies /P)    CHKDSK may be used without any parameters, in which case the  current drive is checked with no switches.  You can specify the listed  switches.    CHKDSK requires the AUTOCHK.EXE file. CHKDSK automatically locates  AUTOCHK.EXE in the startup (boot) directory. If it cannot be found in  the startup directory, CHKDSK will attempt to locate the Windows  installation CD. If the installation CD cannot be found, CHKDSK prompts  for the location of AUTOCHK.EXE.
English (United States)