Unable to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Import/Export Framework service running on {0}. You must connect to a running instance of the service.
To use a promotion page for the wall post title URL, you must first select the "Publish pages to Sites Services" check box ...
To use the attribute SysEntryPointAttribute, the method must run on the server tier. Add the server keyword to the X++ method ...
Unable to access hierarchy information as the AxDataSource is still initializing. Please hold off on hierarchy access/logic ...
Unable to apply the FilterValue to the resolve reference Query as the current RelationPath is not relative to the primary ...
Unable to connect to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Data Import/Export Framework service running on {0}. You must connect to ...
Unable to create a RelationPath instance from the provided path string. One or more of the relations in the path string is ...
Unable to create ActiveX control. %1 ( ClassId: %2 ) Is not found on the system, please check if the control is correctly ...
Unable to create ActiveX control. %1 ( ClassId: %2 ) No valid license information has been found on the system. Please check ...
Unable to create view in the database. This can be caused by missing metadata (data source), or a data source containing ...