Some organizations have created one or more %BRAND_YAMMER% networks before the %BRAND_YAMMER% service was offered as part ...

Some organizations have created one or more %BRAND_YAMMER% networks before the %BRAND_YAMMER% service was offered as part of %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. When %BRAND_YAMMER% Enterprise is activated in %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%, it will connect to these legacy %BRAND_YAMMER% networks when the domains are the same as those you have verified in %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% and are associated with a valid %BRAND_YAMMER% Enterprise subscription. The legacy %BRAND_YAMMER% network will be upgraded to %BRAND_YAMMER_ENTERPRISE% if it's not already a %BRAND_YAMMER_ENTERPRISE% network.