If this document is a translation, indicate its translation status. This information will be set automatically upon workflow completion if you use the Translation Management workflow to manage the translation.
If there is no data processing service started, the data that has been logged to the Web Analytics database cannot be processed. ...
If there is no Managed Metadata service associated with the User Profile service, features like social tagging and properties ...
If there is no PostScript Language Level option available, the printer driver supports only PostScript level 1. If this is ...
If this cmdlet is run on a federated service application without specifying a value for AlternativeSiteSubscriptions, data ...
If this document is a translation, indicate its translation status. This information will be set automatically upon workflow ...
If this document is a translation, indicate which version of the source document it represents. This information will be ...
If this document is stored in a SharePoint library that has versioning turned on, you can view, delete, or restore previous ...
If this document needs to be changed before you can finish your task, use this form to request the change. After the change ...
If this is a complex data table containing two or more levels of header rows or columns, identify structural rows. Consider ...