The file specifies a list value that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365: {0}, {1}, {2}. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again.
The file path including file name can be no longer than 255 characters and the file name cannot contain the following characters: ...
The file provided was not uploaded. Click the back button, select the solution file, and try again. If the problem persists, ...
The file size of the following attachments exceeds the maximum size of {0} kilobytes: {1}. The mail merge cannot be completed. ...
The file specifies a field that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365: {0}, {1}. Fix this inconsistency, and then import ...
The file specifies a list value that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365: {0}, {1}, {2}. Fix this inconsistency, and ...
The file specifies a record type that does not exist in Microsoft Dynamics 365: {0}. Specify a valid record type, and then ...
The file that contains the query would be browsed and selected using this field. The field would then display the file path. ...
The file that you are trying to access cannot be downloaded. The destination file has an extension that may be blocked. Contact ...
The file that you are trying to copy cannot be copied. The destination file has an extension that may be blocked. Contact ...