This Web Part will show items that have been modified recently. This can help site users track the latest activity on a site or a library. When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from the current site. You can change this setting to show items from another site or list by editing the Web Part and changing its search criteria.As new content is discovered by search, this Web Part will display an updated list of items each time the page is viewed.
This Web Part will show any items that are derived from the Wiki Page content type. When you add it to the page, this Web ...
This Web Part will show content recommendations based on usage patterns for the current page. When you add it to the page, ...
This Web Part will show items from a catalog configured for this site. When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show ...
This Web Part will show items that are tagged with a term. When you add it to the page, this Web Part will show items from ...
This Web Part will show items that have been modified recently. This can help site users track the latest activity on a site ...
This Web Part will show items that have been recently viewed by many users. When you add it to the page, this Web Part will ...
This will be the query for this search data provider. You can change the query using keyword and property query syntax. If ...
To add a new location, visit the Online Gallery , download the location and then import it. Alternatively, you can define ...
To change this value, select the name of the managed property you want. (Use semicolons to type in multiple names.)SharePoint ...