Allow software downloads and Windows Update Options are: CHECKED Managed downloads that are automatically initiated when ...

"Allow software downloads and Windows Update Options are:  CHECKED – Managed downloads that are automatically initiated when a device is in roaming mode will continue as they would in the non-roaming case. Additionally, the device will check for new updates on Windows Update servers as it does the device when it is not roaming.  NOT CHECKED - Managed downloads that are automatically initiated when a device is in roaming mode will be paused. Additionally, the device will not check for new updates on any firmware update server. When the device is no longer roaming download will continue normally.  Change device management schedule when roaming Options are:  CHECKED – If the device is roaming, then it checks for updates based on the value of "Check frequency multiplier ".  NOT CHECKED – The device uses the default schedule whether roaming or not roaming.  Check frequency multiplier Options are:  Integers 0 through 10 - If "Change device management schedule when roaming" is checked, then you can increase the time between server checks by increasing the value of the factor. If you set the value to zero, the device does not check for updates when roaming. If you do not check "Change device management schedule when roaming", then this value is ignored."
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