Usage: mrtree -ndt? -T secs -M depth -r retries -c community host mrtree -ndt? -T secs -M depth -r retries -c community host ...

Usage: mrtree [-ndt?] [-T secs] [-M depth] [-r retries] [-c community] host         mrtree [-ndt?] [-T secs] [-M depth] [-r retries] [-c community] host source         mrtree [-ndt?] [-T secs] [-M depth] [-r retries] [-c community] host group source            -n           Display IP addresses in numeric format   -d           Compute statistics   -t           View tree for packets with time to live   -T seconds   Timeout in seconds for IGMP/SNMP queries (default 2)    -M depth     Maximum depth of the tree being calculated   -r retries   Number of extra times to send the SNMP queries (default = 0)            -c community Use alternate community string   -?           Print Usage
English (United States)