Mirrors the simple volume with focus to the specified disk. Syntax: ADD DISK=[ALIGN= ] [WAIT] [NOERR] DISK= Specifies a disk, other than the one containing the existing simple volume, to contain the mirror. You can mirror only simple volumes. The specified disk must have unallocated space at least as large as the size of the simple volume you want to mirror. ALIGN= Typically used with hardware RAID Logical Unit Number (LUN) arrays to improve performance. Aligns all volume extents to the closest alignment boundary. The extent offsets will be a multiple of . WAIT Waits for the volume to finish synchronizing with the added disk before returning. Without the WAIT parameter, DiskPart returns after the mirrored volume is created and does not wait for the synchronization to complete. NOERR For scripting only. When an error is encountered, DiskPart continues to process commands as if the error did not occur. Without the NOERR parameter, an error causes DiskPart to exit with an error code. A volume must be selected for this operation to succeed. Fault-tolerant volumes such as RAID-5 and mirrored volumes are not supported in any edition of Windows Vista. Example: ADD DISK=2
Miniport Return Packet Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed returning received ...
Miniport RSS Indirection Table Change Cycles is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed changing ...
Miniport Send Cycles/sec is the average rate, in cycles per second, at which an interface processed transmitting packets. ...
MinNumberNeeded indicates the smallest number of elements that must be operational in order to have redundancy. For example, ...
Mirrors the simple volume with focus to the specified disk. Syntax: ADD DISK= ALIGN= WAIT NOERR DISK= Specifies a disk, other ...
Missed Mailslot Datagrams is the number of Mailslot Datagrams that have been discarded due to configuration or allocation ...
Missed Server Announcements is the number of server announcements that have been missed due to configuration or allocation ...
Missed Server List Requests is the number of requests to retrieve a list of browser servers that were received by this workstation, ...
Missing argument to -Resources. The argument to the -Resource parameter must be a comma-separated list of names or constant ...