The File Replication Service paused because the staging area is full. Staging files are used to replicate created, deleted ...

The File Replication Service paused because the staging area is full. Staging files are used to replicate created, deleted or modified files between partners. FRS will automatically remove least recently used files from this staging area (in the order of the longest time since the last access) until the amount of space in use has dropped below 60% of the staging space-limit, after which replication will resume. 
If this condition occurs frequently: 
Confirm that all direct outbound replication partners receiving updates from this member are online and receiving udpates. 
Verify that the replication schedule for receiving partners is open or "on" for a sufficient window of time to accomodate the number of files being replicated. 
Consider increasing the staging area to improve system performance. 
The current value of the staging space limit is %1 KB.  To change the staging space limit, run regedit: 
Click on Start -> Run and type  REGEDT .  Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, NtFrs, Parameters, and the value "Staging Space Limit in KB".