Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%1!s!'. This is usually an internal condition, such as the availability group is being dropped or the local WSFC node has lost quorum. In such cases, and no user action is required.
At most, 300 columns can be added or updated per change to the table schema. Use the Transact-SQL Editor if you need to add ...
At most, 300 parameters can be added or updated per change to the stored procedure. Use the Transact-SQL Editor if you need ...
At the time of call to BCPColumns, the number of columns must be 0. BCPColumns can be called only once during a BCP operation ...
Attaching the resource database in the same directory as sqlservr.exe at '%1!s!' failed as the database files do not exist. ...
Attempt to access non-existent or uninitialized availability group with ID '%1!s!'. This is usually an internal condition, ...
Attempt to find the input column named "%1!s!" failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column specified was not found in ...
Attempt to find the input column with lineage ID %1!d! failed with error code 2!8.8X!. The input column was not found in ...
Attempt to generate a string representation of the expression failed with error code 1!8.8X!. Failed when attempting to generate ...
Attempt to parse the expression "%1!s!" failed and returned error code 2!8.8X!. The expression cannot be parsed. It might ...