DESCRIPTION: To initiate a forced DFS metadata resync operation on the DFS root target of a specified domain-based namespace ...

DESCRIPTION: To initiate a forced DFS metadata resync operation on the DFS root target of a specified domain-based namespace using the Windows Server 2008 mode or standalone DFS namespace  ForceSync command can be used.This cannot be done on Windows Server 2003 based Namespaces.  %1!ws!  PARAMETERS: <\\server\share>        : Server - Target of the namespace                           Forcesync will be performed on this target.                           share - Target share.  NOTE: Do not specify <\\domain
oot>, use <\
ootTarget\share>.            EXAMPLES: dfsutil root forcesync \\StandaloneServer\StandaloneNamespace1 dfsutil root forcesync \\DomainNamespaceServer\DomainNamespace2