- Exchange Server 2007
- Exchange Server 2010
- Exchange Server 2016
- System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008
If you click OK, default values will be used instead and will be saved if you do not change them before hitting Apply or OK on the property page. If you click cancel, the object will be displayed read-only and corrupted values will be retained.
If you are deploying an Edge Transport server but not by using the Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync service, you must manually ...
If you are merging mailbox data as part of a 'dial tone' recovery strategy, there are additional administrative tasks that ...
If you are running the {0} in a different domain or want to specify a different global catalog server for the tool to connect ...
If you cannot mount this database even though it is in a 'Clean Shutdown' state, the cause may be that another database in ...
If you click OK, default values will be used instead and will be saved if you do not change them before hitting Apply or ...
If you configure all filters to their most aggressive levels, you will block more suspicious senders, but you might inadvertently ...
If you copy and remove these log files, you must perform a Normal (full) back up of all databases in the storage group before ...
If you disable this UM server immediately, all calls that are currently connected to the server will be disconnected. Do ...
If you disable UM IP Gateway '{0}' immediately, all calls currently connected to the server will be disconnected. Do you ...