Are you sure you want to view or modify the entities owned by this publisher? To continue, click Apply, or cancel and select a different publisher.
Are you sure you want to cancel configuration? If you choose Yes, the configuration process will stop and any configuration ...
Are you sure you want to cancel the application export? If you click yes to cancel the export process, the application is ...
Are you sure you want to cancel the configuration? If you choose Yes, the current configuration process will be cancelled. ...
Are you sure you want to transfer ownership to this publisher? To continue, click Update , or cancel and select a different ...
Are you sure you want to view or modify the entities owned by this publisher? To continue, click Apply , or cancel and select ...
Are you sure you wish to cancel the application import? If you choose Yes, the import process will be canceled and the application ...
Are you sure you wish to cancel the bindings export? If you choose Yes, the export process will be canceled and the bindings ...
As a Coordinator you can manage categorization schemes and view statistical reports for entity counts, publisher activities, ...
As a Coordinator, you can view and manage data owned by other publishers. However, you can only view data for one publisher ...