Detailed File Share This policy setting allows you to audit attempts to access files and folders on a shared folder. The ...

Detailed File Share

This policy setting allows you to audit attempts to access files and folders on a shared folder. The Detailed File Share setting logs an event every time a file or folder is accessed, whereas the File Share setting only records one event for any connection established between a client and file share.  Detailed File Share audit events include detailed information about the permissions or other criteria used to grant or deny access.

If you configure this policy setting, an audit event is generated when an attempt is made to access a file or folder on a share. The administrator can specify whether to audit only successes, only failures, or both successes and failures.

Note: There are no system access control lists (SACLs) for shared folders. If this policy setting is enabled, access to all shared files and folders on the system is audited.

Volume: High on a file server or domain controller because of SYSVOL network access required by Group Policy.