ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the serialization format of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types are not allowed to change serialization formats.
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the MaxLen attribute of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the mutator attribute of method '%1!s!' in type '%2!s!' would change in the updated assembly, ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required field "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the required method "%1!s!" in type "%2!s!" was not found with the same signature in the updated ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the serialization format of type '%1!s!' would change in the updated assembly. Persisted types ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY failed because the user-defined aggregate "%1!s!" does not exist or is not correctly defined in the updated ...
ALTER ASSEMBLY has marked data as unchecked in one or more objects in database "%1!s!". Refer to column "has_unchecked_assembly_data" ...
ALTER DATABASE "%1!s!" command cannot be executed until both partner server instances are up, running, and connected. Start ...
Alter database command failed because SQL Server was started with one or more undocumented trace flags that prevent enabling/disabling ...