Renders an xml file using a specified xsl transform. This command can be useful for displaying SCW xml files using different ...

Renders an xml file using a specified xsl transform. This command can  be useful for displaying SCW xml files using different views.    Syntax: scwcmd view [/x:xmlfile] [/s:xslfile]    /x:xmlfile Specifies the xml file to be viewed. This parameter     must be specified.    /s:xslfile Specifies the xsl transform to apply to the xml file     as part of the rendering process. This parameter is     optional for SCW xml files. When the view command is     used to render an SCW xml file, it will automatically     try to load the correct default transform for the     specified xml. If an XSL transfrom is specified, the     transform must be written under the assumption that     the XML file is in the same directory as the XSL     transform itself.    Example:  scwcmd view /x:C:\policies\policyfile.xml /s:C:\viewers\policyview.xsl
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