If you ask how many products are supplied by Pavlova, Ltd., you'll get the answer 3 instead of the correct answer 4. This is because the Supplier Name for Vegie-spread is misspelled.
If no field in a table contains unique values, the wizard may have already added an Generated Unique ID (AutoNumber) field ...
If the specified object does not exist, Access will create it. If the specified object already exists, Access will append ...
If the specified table does not exist, Access will create it. If the specified table already exists, Access might overwrite ...
If the specified table exists, Access will add the records to the table. If the table does not exist, Access will create ...
If you ask how many products are supplied by Pavlova, Ltd., you'll get the answer 3 instead of the correct answer 4. This ...
If you choose Text, you can type the text to display. If you choose Picture, you can click Browse to find a picture to display. ...
If you create a data access page in this version of Access, you cannot open it in Design view in Access 2000. If you have ...
If you move back, the wizard will delete the empty partial replica that it just created. The wizard will then have to recreate ...
If you regularly repeat this saved operation, you can create an Outlook task that reminds you when it is time to repeat this ...