This section is from an earlier version of (!idspnAppName) and is not compatible with the version you're currently running.
This section from an old version of (!idspnOneNote) and has a problem.We can't fix it. You might be able to fix it by opening ...
This section group contains password protected sections that must be unlocked before being copied into your notebook. Click ...
This section has a file attachment that's been rejected by the server. The inserted file could be corrupted, or the server ...
This section has an earlier file format. To enable the feature, select another section or upgrade this one to 2010-(!IDS_JOT_APPNAME_VERSION_SZ) ...
This section is from an earlier version of (!idspnAppName) and is not compatible with the version you're currently running. ...
This section is from an earlier version of (!idspnAppName) and is read-only. To continue editing you need to upgrade this ...
This section is in a pre-release format of (!idspnAppName). You cannot edit this section. Click here for upgrade options. ...
This section is using a newer version of the OneNote file format than other sections in this notebook. Click here for file ...
This section or notebook may have been renamed, moved, or deleted. Refresh your notebook list from the Open notebook page. ...