Total Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked. These are generally reported as an HTTP 423 error code to the client. The count is the total since service startup.
Total ISAPI Extension Requests are custom gateway Dynamic Link Libraries (.dll) the administrator can install to add forms ...
Total Lock Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the LOCK method (counted since service startup). Lock requests are ...
Total Lock Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the LOCK method (since service startup). Lock requests are used ...
Total Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked (since ...
Total Locked Errors is the number of requests that couldn't be satisfied by the server because the requested was locked. ...
Total Logon Attempts is the number of logons that have been attempted using the Web service (counted since service startup). ...
Total Mkcol Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the MKCOL method (counted since service startup). Mkcol requests ...
Total Mkcol Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the MKCOL method (since service startup). Mkcol requests are used ...
Total Move Requests is the number of HTTP requests using the MOVE method (counted since service startup). Move requests are ...