Could not generate {0} because primary interop assembly that defines type {1} could not be located. Add the missing reference to the current project.
Could not find test suite with ID {0}. Make sure the test suite exists under team project '{1}' and you have the right permissions. ...
Could not find the commit in the current active repository. Please switch to the correct repository to view the commit details. ...
Could not find the component required to edit this link type. Make sure the component or tool needed to edit this link type ...
Could not find the return parameter with name '{0}' specified on the MethodInstance named '{1}' in the Method named '{2}'. ...
Could not generate {0} because primary interop assembly that defines type {1} could not be located. Add the missing reference ...
Could not get sub key names for key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not get table and column names for {0}. To resolve this problem, build the project, fix any errors, and edit the table ...
Could not get value names for key 2]. { System error 3].} Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact ...
Could not increase the available registry space. 2 KB of free registry space is required for the installation of this application. ...