It takes a little time to get used to speaking to your computer. You will sometimes change your mind right after you said something. When this happens, say "Undo" instead of "Correct." You can also say "Undo that" or "Delete that."
It is recommended that you turn off mini Player mode before continuing. To do so, right-click an empty space on the Windows ...
It is recommended to have at least a minimum of 300 MB free on your Windows volume to ensure system reliability. To free ...
It may be necessary to specify /REUSE when running djoin.exe again with the same machine name. Computer provisioning failed: ...
It may take several minutes to create this index. If you cancel, the index may be incomplete. Some links between topics and ...
It takes a little time to get used to speaking to your computer. You will sometimes change your mind right after you said ...
It took %1 seconds to write a change file to the BITS job list. If this is excessive, the number of BITS jobs may be larger ...
It was not possible to complete Setup, because the upgrade server was not available. Windows Media Player was not installed. ...
It was not possible to complete Setup; Windows Media Player was not installed. Restart Windows and then run Windows Media ...
It was not possible to establish a connection to the media server in a timely manner. The media server may be down for maintenance, ...