NETDOM QUERY /Domain:domain /Server:server /UserD:user /PasswordD:[password | /Verify /RESEt /Direct /SecurePasswordPrompt ...

NETDOM QUERY [/Domain:domain] [/Server:server]            [/UserD:user] [/PasswordD:[password | *]]            [/Verify] [/RESEt] [/Direct] [/SecurePasswordPrompt]            WORKSTATION | SERVER | DC | OU | PDC | FSMO | TRUST  NETDOM QUERY Queries the domain for information  /Domain         Specifies the domain on which to query for the information  /UserD          User account used to make the connection with the domain                 specified by the /Domain argument  /PasswordD      Password of the user account specified by /UserD.  A * means                 to prompt for the password  /Server         Name of a specific domain controller that should be used to                 perform the query.  /Verify         For computers, verifies that the secure channel between the                 computer and the domain controller is operating properly.                 For trusts, verifies that the the trust between domains is                 operating properly. Only outbound trust will be verified. The                 user must have domain administrator credentials to get                 correct verification results.  /RESEt          Resets the secure channel between the computer and the domain                 controller; valid only for computer enumeration  /Direct         Applies only for a TRUST query, lists only the direct trust                 links and omits the domains indirectly trusted through                 transitive links. Do not use with /Verify.  /SecurePasswordPrompt                  Use secure credentials popup to specify credentials. This                 option should be used when smartcard credentials need to be                 specified. This option is only in effect when the password                  value is supplied as *  WORKSTATION     Query the domain for the list of workstations SERVER          Query the domain for the list of servers DC              Query the domain for the list of Domain Controllers OU              Query the domain for the list of Organizational Units under                 which the specified user can create a machine object PDC             Query the domain for the current Primary Domain Controller FSMO            Query the domain for the current list of FSMO owners TRUST           Query the domain for the list of its trusts  The trust verify command checks only direct, outbound, Windows trusts. To verify an inbound trust, use the NETDOM TRUST command which allows you to specify credentials for the trusting domain.
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