Printer queue %1 will be restored without a separator page. Printbrm.exe (the Printer Migration Wizard or the command-line tool) failed to create a separator file for this queue. Error: %2
Printer %1 was successfully removed from the Active Directory directory service. The printer can no longer be located by ...
Printer pooling cannot be enabled unless more than one port is selected. To disable printer pooling and continue, click OK. ...
Printer queue %1 already exists on the destination computer and will not be changed because Printbrm.exe (the Printer Migration ...
Printer queue %1 already exists on the destination computer. Printbrm.exe (the Printer Migration Wizard or the command-line ...
Printer queue %1 will be restored without a separator page. Printbrm.exe (the Printer Migration Wizard or the command-line ...
Printer Web page unavailable at %1. The printer may not support this feature, the printer may not be available, or the DNS ...
Priority %1 job has started. Volume: %4 (%3) File ID: %11 Available memory: %5 MB Available cores: %6 Instances: %7 Readers ...
Priority indicates the urgency or importance of execution of a process. If a priority is not defined for a process, a value ...
Priority indicates the urgency or importance of execution of a thread. A thread may have a different priority than its owning ...