You can't use a date format in a different language than the slide master. The current date on the master is formatted for ^0. To change the master, click Apply to All instead of Apply.
You can't switch to Datasheet view and you can't return to Design view.@Another user has opened this table or a query, form, ...
You can't switch to Design view because your form contains too many OLE objects.@Close other applications, close the form, ...
You can't undo this command and, once it's completed, you won't be able to edit this object.@Do you want to continue anyway?@19@2 ...
You can't upgrade port '%1!.200s!' to FrontPage Server Extensions. You need to install Microsoft SharePoint to be able to ...
You can't use a date format in a different language than the slide master. The current date on the master is formatted for ...
You can't use a pass-through query or a non-fixed-column crosstab query as a record source for a subform or subreport.@Before ...
You can't use a URL with a fragment (the part that follows the # character) as a Best Bet URL. Remove the fragment and try ...
You can't use aggregate functions in a page header or footer.@The page header or footer of the report you tried to preview ...
You can't use fields that have a data type of OLE Object or Memo for a join. Select fields that contain a different type ...