Visual Studio cannot modify the following file: {0}. Ensure that you have user rights to modify the file, and try again.
Visual Studio cannot debug managed applications because a kernel debugger is enabled on the system. Please see Help for further ...
Visual Studio cannot debug managed applications because a kernel debugger is present on the system. Please see Help for further ...
Visual Studio cannot debug this unhandled exception because it comes from a version of the Microsoft .NET Framework that ...
Visual Studio cannot detect whether this virtual root has been configured for use with ASP.NET %1. The likely cause is that ...
Visual Studio cannot modify the following file: {0}. Ensure that you have user rights to modify the file, and try again. ...
Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target '%1' is missing. Please build the project and retry, or set ...
Visual Studio could not create an instance of {0} because the class is not derived from System.Data.DataSet. Confirm the ...
Visual Studio could not create or open the application because your browser is configured to use a proxy server for the local ...
Visual Studio could not open the file "{0}" because the file contains tests. A test can be opened only within a test project. ...